March 2024

Welcome to our 2024 Prefects Senior Section
We are proud to present the Prefects who will lead the 2024 Generation:
Head Girl: Rafaela Rochet
Head Boy: Benjamín Pimentel
Deputy Head Girl: Emilia Aninat
Deputy Head Girl: Helena Young
Deputy Head Boy: Santiago Figueroa
Deputy Head Boy: Tomás Rodríguez
Prefects: Gaspar Abufón Jara, Joao Alves Costa Mendonça, Amanda Aranis Urtubia, Pascale Belletti Pilasi, Andrés Castillo Del Villar, Lissa Costa Meza, Macarena Errecaborde, Andres Espinoza Pizarro, Francisco Figueroa Viteri, Rodrigo Jalaff Guila, Milagros Monti, Sofía Navarro López, Sebastian Oestreicher Zawadzki, Paulina Prado Diaz Barreiro, Martina Soublette Gajardo y Maite Urcelay Ríos.
Being a Prefect is not only wearing a special tie and a badge in Year 12; it is accepting the responsibility of being selected by a whole generation of pupils, teachers, and school authorities.
Craighouse School awards high scores on PAES 2023
On Friday 1st March our school welcomed back representatives from the 2023 Generation to a ceremony, honouring our former pupils outstanding achievements in the university entrance exam “Prueba de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PAES)”, taken by 94 of them last November.
Pupils achieving high scores in Maths, Spanish, Science and History received certificates and our 9 pupils who achieved maximum scores of 1000 points were awarded shields.
During the assembly, Agustín Orellana Ferrán was acknowledged for obtaining the highest score (1,000 points) in Mathematics (M1) and Science.
The entire Senior section was present to hear Mrs Ayme Visconti, Academic Director and Mr Patrick Lyons, our Headmaster address these highly successful young Craighouse School graduates. They were commended for their commitment and effort and the Senior pupils were encouraged to follow their impressive example.
Craighouse School celebrates International Women’s Day
With the participation of our Headmaster, Mr Patrick Lyons, and all Senior and Middle Section pupils and staff, Craighouse School commemorated International Women’s Day in two assemblies on Friday, 8th March at 8.30 a.m. and 9.15 a.m.
In both instances, which involved the participation of the Social Sciences and Music departments, students remembered outstanding women who have left their mark in history, analysed their role in today's society, and recognised the challenges they still face.
With fun activities: Middle Section celebrates Mathematics Day
On Thursday, 14th March, Mathematics and the number Pi (3.14) had their celebration day at Craighouse School. This concept, so important for mathematical calculations, was reinforced through creative activities planned for all pupils from Year 5 to Year 8. They explored the decimal development of this number, analysed barcodes, and birthdates, among many others. The pupils enjoyed and learned about the significance of the number Pi in an engaging and creative way.
Whites and Blues win the 2024 Cross Country Intercolour
On Saturday, 23rd March, the Intercolour Cross Country event took place on the sports fields of our campus. On this family-oriented day, pupils from Year 5 to Year 12 represented their "colours". The first place in the women's category was secured by the WHITE team; the BLUE and GREEN teams tied for second place, followed by the RED team. For the men, the victory went to the BLUE team, followed by the RED, Green, and in fourth place, the WHITE team.
Meanwhile, on Saturday, 16th March, Craighouse School hosted the Trilateral Athletics event for pupils from Years 5 to 8. The sports event was a resounding success and also featured the participation of The Grange School and Santiago College.
Let's all support the Emergency Campaign for Quilpué Wildfires!
A year ago, Craighouse School organised the first emergency campaign to support families affected by forest fires in southern Chile, becoming the only school in the country to carry out voluntary work with students in the Portezuelo community.
Today, we want to repeat this successful and rewarding experience and aid 20 families from Quilpué, who lost everything in the fires that affected the V Region last February. Between April 12th and 14th, a group of 25 pupils from Years I0 and 11 will travel to this municipality with materials and manpower to rebuild homes and land.
To achieve this goal, we need the generous collaboration of our Craighouse Community to purchase materials and supplies. Until Friday, April 5th, we invite you to make your voluntary donations at this link.
We need everyone's support!
There are still available spaces on the Bus de Acercamiento offered by Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea
Since last school year, the free shuttle bus service provided by the Lo Barnechea Municipality has been operating in the mornings. As the capacity is limited (for 45 pupils), those interested in using this benefit must register through a Google form by clicking here, taking into consideration that only pupils from Years 5 to 12 will be accepted. Selection will be on a first-come, first-served basis, and a form must be completed for each child. Once the vacancies are filled, the registration process will close automatically, and access to the form will no longer be possible.
The scheduled stops are the following:
- Av. El Rodeo 12.525: 7.10 a.m.
- Corner of Av. Huinganal with El Rodeo (north lane): 7.16 a.m.
- Corner of Av. Pie Andino with Huinganal (north lane): 7.22 a.m.
- Corner of Av. La Dehesa with Pie Andino (north lane): 7.27 a.m.
- Corner of Av. Pedro Lira Urquieta with Las Hualtatas (north lane): 7.37 a.m.
- Av. Los Trapenses (in front of Los Litres, north lane): 7.46 a.m.
- Av. Pie Andino and La Huala: 7.55 a.m.
Sunday, 21st April: Our entire community is invited to Craighouse Day 2024
The event, organised every year by the Craighouse School Parents Association, will take place on Sunday, 21st April on the Darling Hall esplanade from 11.00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The invitation is to spend an enjoyable day with family, where there will be a surprise show, games, food stalls and the opportunity to connect with the entire community. As part of this event, there will be a raffle, and the funds raised will go towards the Solidarity Fund, which supports the most needy families in our community. Raffle booklets will be sent to families in the coming days, and everyone is invited to have a good time, get inspired, and support this cause.