Our School profile

Together with the family, teachers and pupils, Craighouse School strives to build a positive school culture so that every pupil feels safe and secure at all times. Our core values serve as guiding principles in the school’s day-to-day life and are expected to orient the decisions and judgments made by pupils, families and staff members.
Both the academic and formative curricula in our school provide learning opportunities so that all pupils develop their individual talents and interests in many and very diverse domains, considering their skills and preferences, which includes the mathematical, scientific, artistic and humanistic fields, as well as in languages, sports, and social, emotional and spiritual areas.
We are committed not only to exposing our pupils to this range of curricular areas, but also progressively, as they get older, to allow them to perfect and deepen their understanding and competencies. That they do so is first and foremost a shared responsibility between teachers and pupils, but also one that cannot be achieved without the involvement of parents, and sometimes, the wider community.
Literature, visual arts, music and drama are the art forms offered through our curriculum. We value these subjects and the opportunities they present for our pupils to experiment and expand their technical expertise and knowledge on the one hand, and deepen their understanding of both the creative process and the human condition on the other.
Craighouse School also regards physical education and sports as a fundamental aspect of a pupil’s development. Participation in physical education and sports has always held a central place in the school’s activities. Under the careful guidance of responsible adults, competitive team sports are an excellent vehicle for cultivating and strengthening the values of honesty, effort and loyalty, as well as developing a sense of fair play and an understanding of teamwork.
Our commitment to the English language enables our pupils to become bilingual or highly proficient in English by the time they graduate. Craighouse School provides all the pupils with an education in both languages together with the influence of both cultures, in order to achieve bilingualism and bi-literacy by the end of their fourteen years at school.
The learning process takes place entirely in English while our pupils are young. This is what we understand as full immersion from Playgroup to Year 6. From Year 7 onwards, the teaching of English includes a complete and varied programme of studies reinforced by the school environment.
Through its comprehensive curriculum and extra-curricular activities, Craighouse School complies with the national Chilean requirements as well as offering the three International Baccalaureate Organisation Programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). The Craighouse School Academic Curriculum, together with its Formative Curriculum, aims to develop our pupils’ ability to express emotions, critical and reflective thinking, personal autonomy, responsibility and self-esteem.
In order to support and help further develop the Educational Project, over the last decade Craighouse School has actively incorporated the managerial areas of the school into the educational focus. As a result, both the Financial and Human Resources Areas are aligned with the objectives of the Educational Project and their role is to support and service it.
Over the years, the Craighouse School board of directors has contributed to the development of this Educational Project and as trustees uphold the values and philosophy inherent in it.
Educational Project
Craighouse School
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